Community Involvement

Our financial advisors and support staff members here in Kentucky are dedicated to making the world a little bit better for others by supporting a range of different Lexington charities. Many of us hold seats on the boards of nonprofits, and we are otherwise involved in the support of various philanthropic organizations. Some of the Lexington charities we support include the following:

Appalachian Regional Healthcare

Appalachian Regional Healthcare Foundation

Bluegrass Chapter of The American Red Cross

Bluegrass Community Foundation

Central Kentucky Bonsai Committee

East Perry Family Resource Center

Eastern KY Flood Relief

Fayette Alliance

Fayette County Schools Mentor Program


Henry Clay Memorial Foundation

Kentucky Children’s Hospital

Kentucky Craft History & Education Association

Kentucky Horse Park Foundation

Macedonia Christian Church Member

Methodist Mountain Mission

Paws 4 The Cause

Professional Women’s Forum

Ronald McDonald House

Salvation Army Advisory Board

Senior Services Commission

Southeastern Cal Ripken Baseball League (Ages 4-12)

Southland Christian Church

Stable of Memories

Swing for Soldiers Classic

Young Life Committee

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