Meet the Tucson Team
5210 E. Williams Circle, Ste. 820, Tucson, AZ 85711 | Office Phone: 520.719.1433 | Office Fax: 520.719.1436
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Lexington, KY: 859.543.4516
Tucson, AZ: 520.719.1433
The Villages, FL: 859.806.8368
Allen, TX: 214.644.2560
Upland, CA: 909.579.6470
Carmel, CA: 831.647.8445
Scottsdale, AZ: 520.719.1433
Mandeville, LA: 985.871.3656
Palm Beach Gardens, FL: 561.954.4767
Advisory services offered through Meridian Wealth Management, LLC, a Registered Investment Advisor. Top RIA Firm is awarded by (Awarded Oct 2024) Data Compliance by Shook Research LLC based on the time period from 3/31/23-3/31/24.
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